Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 32/ 33 Hazelton to Napoleon then Napoleon to Gackle

Yesterday at all the right ingredients for a really rough day.  But sometimes even with all the right ingredients things don't turn out as expected. I actually had a great day yesterday.

I had planned on getting to Gackle yesterday but those plans changed about 13 miles outside of Hazleton. I had my first mechanical problem of the trip.

I broke a spoke on the drive side on the rear wheel. When a spoke on the drive side breaks it is necessary to remove the rear cassette before you can replace the spoke. It's not a huge deal but it is time consuming and you have to have the right tools.

I was able to limp into the Napoleon which was about 11 miles further east.
They had a nice city park where I could work on my bike. I actually enjoyed being able to do the repairs. It took me a couple of hours to replace the spoke and true the wheel again.

The wind was still pretty strong so I decided to call Napoleon home for the night.

On my way to the grocery store I saw one of those bicycles you usually see old black and white pictures leaning against the wall next door. You know the kind with one big wheel in front and a small wheel in back.  It was loaded for touring. I went in to meet the guy ridding that cool bike. Joff is his name and he's from the UK. He's been all around the world on his bike, that he built. We camped together and had a good breakfast in town the next day. Great breakfast withe the town locals. 

Here is Joff's Web site:

Yesterday was really nice and it was all because of a broken spoke. 

The next day was the strongest winds yet. 

Slow going but beautiful country. Winds were out of the SSE so not a full on headwind which was good. I was going due East. I met several bike tourers today which were all going west.  A couple from Australia who have been touring for quite awhile. Very good to see them. Nice couple. There was also three young guys touring. They couldn't wait to see Glacier. 

The couple from Australia has a Web site also which may may use to plan some things I want to see on my trip. 


The scenery is changing quickly as I go further east. I'm I lake country that is beautiful. 

I'm staying in Gackle tonight at the former home of Jason and Ginny Miller. They have built a larger home in town and keep this open just for bike tourers coming through. Great people. They live here part time and in Northern California the rest of the year. They are bee keepers and take the bees from California to North Dakota every year with Simi trucks. (12000 beehives 500 hives per truck)  

It's a big operation. They make use some of the honey in their sports gel packs which are sold at REI and other sports shops. 

I'm going to see their operations tomorrow before leaving town. 

Pics from the last two days.

Me on Joff's bike

Joff in his riding gear

Bike repair


Prairie Art


Australia couple with one of the young guys

Scenery near Gackle

Home for the night

Me in town

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that someone can actually ride that funny looking bike cross country. Strange and doesn't look the least bit comfortable. I'll check out the other blogs to see what they say about you!! :-).
