Monday, August 4, 2014

Day 24- Saco Montana to Glasgow Montana

Just a short update tonight. Another day of East winds and forecast says the same for tomorrow.

I'll let you known a Montana PO Box where I can pick up Christmas cards.

I'm hitting the sack early in order to get an early start tomorrow.

Also just in case anyone entered the GPS coordinates I gave you last night, I was not in Ulaanbaatar Mongolia. 

Google doesn't except the format I gave you yesterday. I've made the change on my gps to one that Google likes.

The coordinates must be entered exactly like this on Google maps: Just copy and past.

48.40916°N, 108.48348°W

I'll send them in this format from now on.

Tonight's camp coordinates:
48.22010°N, 106.64523°W

I may start adding coordinates of places of interest so you can look at the from street view.

No pics today sorry.

Just heads down with eyes on the white line.


  1. Durell! It's almost 9:00 AM and you haven't updated your blog yet! What gives?! ;) Glad to see your making good progress across Montana. Enjoy the badlands.

    Brad aka Ben (from Chester)

  2. Hey Brad! Blog late again....I'm going to loose my following quickly with this kind of performance.

    How's your progress?

    1. Hey Durell, No worries on the blog :)

      It's going good! I am taking a rest day in Libby (1st since MN). I rode the west side alternate around the Libby Dam. Definitely a cool route; almost no cars and lots of twist and turns. Thanks for suggesting it!
