Saturday, August 9, 2014

Day 27/28 - Glendive to Medora ( Theodore Roosevelt National Park)

DON'T send any Christmas presents to Montana. I actually crossed into North Dakota yesterday. I rode on an expressway yesterday for the first time. In Montana and North Dakota bicycles are allowed on the expressway. It was some of the best riding I've had in a week.

I arrived in Medora about 4 o'clock. The town is a major tourist spot and was packed last night. I had a little trouble finding a place to camp. I finally found a group of Boy Scouts at an in town campground. Their leaders said I could join them.

I got up this morning and did laundry and took care of banking needs. I met  a gentleman who works during the summer in Medora with his wife. Ron told me about an all you can eat buffet in town. This was just what the doctor ordered.
Ron joined me for lunch. I almost made myself sick. It was awesome!

I had been told to be sure and camp in the National Park if I stopped in Medora. I would have camped here last night but it is 5 miles out of town with climbing and dirt road.

So after lunch I headed to the park.
It is beautiful!  I'm camped right on the Little Missouri River. There have been buffalo and wild horses in the river below me today.

Here are the coordinates:

46.94772°N, 103.53435°W

Just copy and past into Google.

Tomorrow I should be in Richardson ND staying with the Monks of Assumption Abbey. It's not advertised but West bound cyclist have told me that will let touring cyclist stay with them. You have to ask for Otto and you can't talk while there to the other Monks. Should be cool.

Pic's from the last two days.

I did make it. 

ND scenery


Entering Theodore Roosevelt NP

Home for the night

Wild horses


  1. Well it's about time you made it out of Montana. It didn't take me that long to get all the way to Milan, Italy. :-) Now I'm waiting for the bus to take me to Turin to meet up with your sweetheart. Looking so forward to the next few days with Cathy here in Italia. Still loving your adventures. Ours will be quite different. Ciao!

  2. You guy's have fun. I know you will. Thanks for checking in.

  3. Hello again. Medora and TRNP was one of our favorites last year on our trek around the USA. An easy ride for us compared to your 5 miles into the park. Only regret we did't go see the play at the amphitheatre. Next time. Glad to hear all is still going well.

  4. Hey Erika,
    Everyone I talked to said the play was great.
    The park was beautiful. It was a full moon last night and the Coyotes were sounding off. Nice!

    Thanks for checking in.
