Hello from Montana!
I'm sorry it's been a few days since my last updated. I've been in areas where cell coverage is rare by the time I find a place to quit for the night. I'm going to start working on the blog off line and then post when I get to a town with cell service.
The last few days have been great!
I've left Washington, ridin through Idaho and arrived in Montana today.
I've stayed at a hostel for bicycle tourers only, stealth camped ( finding a place where you can get in and get out without being seen) and last night I was fortunate to be allowed to pitch my tent in a ladies yard just outside of Hope Idaho.
I've already met bike tourers from Germany, Switzerland, Canada and from many states in the US.
Yesterday while I was stopped putting on rain gear, I met Stephen Speer. Stephan is ridding from Washington DC to Anacortes. He is a veteran of the Vietnam War and is carrying items honoring four friends he fought with that did not return. Stephan confessed that he had been a little bitter after returning home from the war. Even though he has a great family and career. He said this ride has ended that feeling of bitterness. It has restored his faith in the goodness of people. To quote Stephan " The ride is about the people". You can follow his ride at: cranky spoke.blogspot.com
I saw my first Grizzly of the trip today. He or she was crossing the road just in front of me. He was off the road, in the creek and gone in seconds. For proof, I got a video of my shadow and the road.
I wish I could have gotten video of me holding on to my tent today during the worst wind and lighting storm I have been in while camping. I am camping at Dorr Steels Campground tonight. It's a beautiful area on the lake. I found a perfect spot to see the lake on two sides.
I was quickly remanded how fast mountain storms build in the afternoon. I had just gotten a great bath in the lake when the thunder started.
Side note: out of twelve days I have had three showers, four lake baths, two river baths and the rest were sink and sponge.
So anyway, I made my way back to the tent just as the lighting and wind started.
The wind quickly ripped the tent pegs out of the ground and the lightning was intense. The storm lasted for about 45 minutes. During that time I was sitting up in the tent with my feet holding down the windward side of the tent and my arms stuck out holding the sides of the rain fly.
The wind was blowing leaves and dirt through the holes my arms were sticking out of.
I felt like Captain Dan on top of the shrimp boat. The whole side of the tent lifted one time and I thought I was going for a ride. I couldn't do anything but laugh. I asked the Lord one time when this was going to stop? That was when the tent about went tumbling with me in it! I didn't ask anymore questions.
All is well now and I gathered four big logs to use as Deadman Anchors just in case the wind returns.
All food and toiletries have to go into a bear box tonight. Guess I better get use to that.
I'm going to work on my leaking rear tire before leaving tomorrow. I should be in Glacier in a few days.
Here are some pics from the last few days.
So glad to see your post today and the gorgeous scenery shots. Went on blog site of the biker you met: crankyspoke.blogspot.com and have been reading his entries. Since he has already been where you are going, it seems like a travel guide you could use. I was just reading about the Whitefish Bicycle Retreat in Montana where he had stayed and was wondering if maybe that is where you are tonight. Between his and your adventures, I feel like I'm riding along. Be safe out there, I've got the angels on your handlebars. Mama Jan
ReplyDeleteWhat a great trip! Be aware I checked out the Grizzlie's blog and he mentioned he saw his first cyclist today. He said he just got away! Sounds like the trip of a lifetime. Stay safe and enjoy every mile...Bruce.
ReplyDeleteHi Durell, I rode from the Bike Hostel to my sister's place in Nine Mile Falls in one day. 65 miles. It was great meeting you and "the rest of the Gang" at the Bike Hostel. I will send you the "group photo" I took when I can figure out your email address. It looks and reads like you are having a great trip! Onward!!
ReplyDeleteRon Bloomquist
Hey Ron. The email is: durellkayaks@yahoo.com