Sunday, September 13, 2020

Day 12 / milepost 408 to 469/ 61 miles 10 hrs 45 min riding time

The Parkway Milepost markers start at zero and go to 469. As you can see from the miles done yesterday, we completed our journey. I'm finishing the blog about this adventure as I'm sitting at home in Greenville with my wife after a great breakfast with plenty of hot coffee and a dry place to sit. Charlie has just headed back to Peachtree City Georgia. My buddy and I had another great adventure together. I'm thankful that we were both able to experience all that is encompassed on a trip like this. We were able to slow down meet great people along our way. We saw some amazing beauty both on the grand and small scales. We had great days and maybe a day that was less than great( heavy traffic)  The weather provided a mix of warm sunny days, cool evenings and some of the hardest rain and dense fog that I believe I have ridden in. The Parkway provides very few flat stretches of road. You are either going up or going down most of your day. The physical challenge of this type of tour is fairly tough but extremely rewarding. Charlie and I were both very thankful that we we're able to complete this ride. I always enjoy keeping a blog/journal of my travels. It helps me to look back and remember. I hope people reading this have enjoyed hearing about the journey, seeing the beautiful scenery and have been inspired to get out and explore!
The next Adventure awaits. 
Pics from yesterday:
We were on the road by 7:00 a.m.
I only turned my front lights on when I heard cars coming or going through tunnels. The back was lit up like a fire truck all the time
yesterday's ride had two tough climbs and we did a total of 61 mi
We started at Mount Pisgah on the top map and ended at the southern terminus on the bottom map
The sky cleared for a couple of hours
After you've been on the bike for almost 11 hours, a sign like this means fast downhill and puts a smile on your face
End of the trip. My phone died so I will have to add Charlie's picture here as soon as he sends it. 


  1. Thanks for taking us along. I remember where I met you. You were at a intersection near Coleville, Washington wondering where the bike hostel was located. I had a GPS location for it so you followed me. Turned out to be 10 cyclists showed up for the night. In the morning you headed west for the end of your cross country ride and I headed south to Spokane for my family reunion!

  2. So proud and happy for you and Charlie to have accomplished this epic journey.
